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by Allison Dillaberry

Perseverance. This word came up more than once in two different devotionals I was reading today.

I have been struggling the last few weeks to keep my faith strong. Doubt and fear and have crept slowly back up into my heart and mind. The devil is very clever about how slowly he creeps back in and then tries to pounce and suck your joy away.

When things get hard, you have to PERSEVERE. You can’t give up! You have to fight back by standing on God’s words of hope, love, and faith.

Hold on one more minute. Don’t give up. God’s word is true. All of his words are true.

Even when things get really bad, trust Him because He loves you, and he can bring good out of bad.

Romans 8:28 ESV says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose.”

A few years ago, a friend of mine’s home got severely damaged during a hurricane. Giant, Florida oak trees fell on her house.

No one was hurt thankfully, but her house needed major repairs.

At the time that it happened, it seemed like the worst thing. It was so devastating for them.

But God is so much bigger than their devastation was. Out of that destruction came so much blessing.

Many people came to together to help them with the cleanup process. Others brought food and prayed.

And eventually after their insurance money came in, God gave them a new refurbished home and a big new garage. It didn’t come without hard work and time though.

But, they ended up with a nicer home and a better living situation than they had before. What seemed like a disaster at the time became a giant blessing.

When you go through hard things, it can seem like BAD is all there is. But, when the storm is over, God’s light shines down again and gives new opportunities, open doors, and a fresh start.

So when things are really bad, look up. Persevere in your faith and trust God to lead you to what’s best no matter what it is you think you want. It’s really about what God wants for you. He is Sovereign. He is GOOD!

Be Blessed,
