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AllisonD's Blog
Thoughts, musings, scriptures, and prayers...
June 11, 2024March 13, 2024June 27, 2023More PostsWhat I Do
I write informative blogs about God, motherhood, abortion recovery and many other topics. Let's take a break and rest in God's loving presence.
God Is the Ultimate Redeemer
Check out one of my blogs that explains why I am passionate about helping women recover from abortion.
Almost twenty years ago before I was saved by Jesus, I made a choice that negatively impacted my life forever. I’m not proud of that choice. And in fact I wasn’t proud of my choice then either. But, I felt I had NO other choice. It is still hard for me to admit it today, but here goes…I had an abortion.
I was in college going to school on student loans at the time. I had a boyfriend, we had sex, and from our first encounter, I became pregnant. I didn’t realize at the time what a gift from God life is, and that it should be treasured.
The father wanted no part of the pregnancy. Only my dad and stepmom begged me not to do it. They knew Christ. But, my close friends and other family members agreed that abortion was the right thing to do since I had no way to support my baby.
I even went to Planned Parenthood in my college town. They quickly sent me around the corner to the local abortion clinic. There was no counseling. There was no discussion about other options like adoption. Nothing was planned except the death of my baby.
The fact that abortion was considered okay and a viable option was a lie that the devil breathed into my life then. And that is the lie with which he has deceived so many other women before me and after me.
The consequences of that decision have been near destruction. I’ve suffered for almost twenty years with depression related to that decision. I’ve thought about suicide more than once. Abortion is murder. And when you realize that you made the choice to end your child’s life, it’s not an easy road upon which to walk forward.
There’s been little healing within the walls of the church. Not that people aren’t forgiving, but no one wants to talk about IT. It’s the proverbial elephant in the room.
But, that’s where Jesus comes in. Without Christ's death on the cross and His sacrifice, we can’t be forgiven. But we are! Thank you, thank you, Jesus! Because of His death that washes away our sins, because of His ultimate sacrifice, He gives us a new life in Him.
It wasn’t until the past few months at age forty one that I have been able to openly talk or write about my experience. Jesus has let me know that, “it is finished” (John 19:30). I am to leave my sin at the cross. He has let me know that, “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).
So, I’ve repented, turned from my sin, and asked for His forgiveness. And I now have a new and abundant life in Him. He is healing me through my writing and being able to share this story with you. He wants to use every broken piece of our lives that we allow Him to. He can use our brokenness for healing for others too.
If you are struggling with forgiveness, please know that God can heal any sin. You just have to be willing…His love and mercy will wash over you like a warm ocean wave. And you can begin life anew.
“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’” (2 Corinthians 12:9). He will use your weakness for His glory—if you let Him.
We don’t have to live in our jaded pasts. We can choose each day to live in the forgiveness of Christ.
There is healing in our ultimate redeemer. Trust and follow Him!
Be Blessed,
Abortion Recovery
There is hope and healing after an abortion.
If you have been through an abortion, I know how difficult your walk is. I've been where you are, now almost twenty years ago I too had an abortion. The best advice I can give you is, seek renewal and forgiveness from Jesus. And give back in some way to support the Pro Life cause such as volunteering at a local non-abortion clinic or give baby items to a local clinic that supports life. Get involved in the cause in some way that helps you move on from your past decision.
Remember that, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death" (Romans 8:1-2). Once saved, the Holy Spirit comes upon you and releases you from all sin as long as you repent. You are washed white as snow by the blood of Jesus. '"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LordNow that's a reason to REJOICE!
Christian and Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
Centers Located Across America
Denver, CO-Alternatives Pregnancy Centers
Jacksonville, FL-First Coast Women's Services
Gainesville, FL- Christian Family Services
St.Petersburg, FL- Alpha House
Columbus, OH-Pregnancy Decision Health Center
Fresno, CA-Bethany in Fresno
Portland, OR and surrounding areas -First Image
Albuquerque, NM and surrounding areas- Lifecall Pregnancy Centers
You Can Give Back by Supporting this Pro-Life Ministry at
Save The Storks is a ministry that supports traveling pro-life buses that help women hear their babies' heartbeats. They provide counseling and long-term help for women who choose life for their babies.
Who I Am
I'm on a mission to spread the love of Jesus Christ.
Allison Rish Salazar
I am first the grateful and beloved daughter of the one true King. I am also a wife, mom, stepmom, furbaby mom, and a middle school English teacher. My hobbies include: hitting the beach, gardening, practicing yoga, going hiking, and doing anything else that gets me into the outdoors. I enjoy being in nature-that's often where I feel the closest to God surrounded by His magnificent creation. I also love to share my passion for Christ, and His healing powers. This is one of my life verses: "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV).
Where Else I Write
Take a look and enjoy!
Where moms mentor other moms for Christ.
I am a blogger on this fun and informative collaborative site about ALL things mom. Find me there at www.themominitiative.com
A webiste for the nature lover, hiker, and God seeker in you.
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