Do you ever wonder if God hears your prayers?
He does. And, boy do I have a story for you.
On Saturday, May 26th 2018 around 4pm, I got a text from my brother saying that he was in Galveston, Texas in a hospital. He was hoping to have emergency appendectomy surgery that evening, and he was waiting for an operating room to open up. There were a few people ahead of him in line for surgery.
I immediately called his wife to find out what was going on. My brother, Chris, lives in St. Petersburg, Florida. He was working on the set of a television show and came down with appendicitis while filming on location in Galveston, Texas. His wife, Marta, assured me that if I called my brother that I could chat with him before surgery.
So, naturally I called him. He sounded bad. And I was worried.
He was at the hospital all alone with just the clothes on his back. His wife and children had already gone on vacation from their home in Florida to Newport, Rhode Island for the long holiday weekend. The crew my brother was filming the television show with had already left for their next location. Showbiz doesn’t wait…
I could hear the worry and sickness in my brother’s voice. He wasn’t scared because he is very strong. But I was scared for him.
I knew what I needed to do. I got on Facebook and put out a message to all my prayer warriors to pray for my brother. I mentioned in the message that he was all alone and that he was about to have surgery.
I prayed that he would not feel alone. I prayed for the doctor’s hands to be swift and exact, and that Chris would get into surgery that evening. And I prayed that he would not be in pain and have a quick recovery. And last but not least, I prayed that through this whole experience my brother would feel God’s comfort and know that God is real.
A few dozen people from my church which is located in Jacksonville, Florida, and many other friends and family throughout the country sent prayers up to heaven between 5pm and late that evening, as posted on Facebook.
I heard from my brother’s wife around 8pm that Saturday evening that my brother was out of surgery and doing well. She had spoken to the surgeon and was relaying the message to me. I continued to pray prayers of healing and gave God praise for what He had already done.
The next morning on Sunday when I checked the post on Facebook about my brother, Chris, he had posted many thanks to all the people who had prayed for him.
And to my astonishment this is what he wrote, “Thanks and love to all of you and your prayers. So many of whom I don’t even know. I had a vision yesterday in my twilight of love energy reaching out from North Florida to Texas and it comforted me while I was alone. What a blessing. Thanks guys. God is good.”
My brother has made a full recovery. And God answered every single one of my prayers over my brother. God was GLORIFIED!
Later that morning, I spoke with my brother who told me that when he was in twilight waking up from surgery was when he felt the “love energy.” He said that he saw a map with a giant arrow of love reaching from North Florida over to him in Texas. And that he saw a smaller arrow coming from south Florida near Tampa coming to him in Galveston, Texas. He said it looked like a map pf arrows of migratory bird flight routes.
What my brother did not know when he was waking up from surgery was that I had asked for prayer that Saturday night and that most of that prayer had come from North Florida from members of my church. He did not know about the Facebook message until the following Sunday morning.
And the other thing that he didn’t know was that I was on a trip to LEGOLAND with my family in Winter Haven which is in South Florida near Tampa.
There are many scriptures in the Bible about prayer. This is a powerful verse about prayer and that we can pray in all kinds of situations. “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Ephesians 6:18 NIV).
God is truly amazing. He wants us to believe by faith. But He also gives us signs like this one that are real and true. God is with us. He hears our prayers and answers them. He even cares about the small details of our prayers. He is so good and full of love and wants to bless us.
I hope this gives you hope and strengthens your faith to keep praying. Whatever you are facing, go to God in prayer. Don’t give up on Him, and He won’t give up on you.
Be Blessed,