Control. We seek it. We crave it. But we never ever truly have it.
We can clean out our closets, wash our clothes and put them away neatly in our drawers, straighten out our finances, and plan events for the year. Doing these things makes us feel good and organized, and gives us some semblance of feeling in control.
But one thing 2020 has taught us for sure is that controlling our circumstances just wasn’t part of God’s plan nor ever really has been. Every time we turned around, something new and often challenging was happening due to Covid.
I am a somewhat recovered co-dependent. I say somewhat because sometimes I fall back into old habits and have to catch and right myself through God’s grace.
If you don’t know what co-dependent means, let me explain it. A co-dependent is someone who tries to control things to make it seem like they are in control. I grew up in a relatively unstable home with an alcoholic father. People who grow up in instability often to try to control situations and others to make themselves feel more in control. However, nothing good ever comes out of trying to control situations or others.
Why? Because it doesn’t work and always back fires on the controller. And in reality God is sovereign and the one who is in control anyway so why bother trying.
I say all of this to lead you to God’s peace this holiday season. Great joy and peace can come when you trust God enough to let him take control of your difficult and scary situations.
“Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV).
God is sovereign. And if you truly believe that he knows what is best for you, then even the harshest most difficult situations can be light-filled and anxiety-free if you give them over into God’s hands.
What does worry get you, but more worry. Easier said than done, I know. But pray and truly leave your struggles with God and watch and see what He will do. Afterall, He knows what is best for you.
A great example of controlling gone wrong is Sara and Abraham in the book of Genesis. When Sara was not able to conceive a child, she convinced her husband to take her slave as his concubine to have a child for her. Things went from bad to worse. Sara did not believe that God would keep his promise and took things into her own hands instead of waiting on God. It didn’t turn out well for anyone.
I have done this one too many times in my life, forging ahead thinking I know what is best and not waiting around to ask God what he thinks. The result is always regret and more difficulty.
I wish you peace this holiday season. My wish for you is that whatever hangs on your heart, that you fully give it over to the Lord in wholehearted trust.
Happy birthday to Jesus! And blessings to you and yours!
Merry Christmas,