We are a society that suffers with depression and anxiety. So many people take medications such as Valium and Prozac to ease their fears. We are adept at escaping from our worries by over-medicating ourselves. The doctors are in on it. The pharmaceutical companies love it.
Maybe we ought to try dealing with the root cause of worry rather than masking it over with medication. Some people truly need medication to deal with the imbalances in their brain; so please don't assume that I'm saying medication is bad or unworthy of use. I myself, in fact, have needed medication more than once in my life to help me with anxiety, fear and depression. So please understand that there is NO JUDGEMENT here.
However, let's take at deeper look at worry and fear and where they come from and what the Bible says about fear.
God says that the spirit of fear is NOT from Him. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your god goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you" (Deuteronomy 31:6). “Them” is not God. God goes even further and assures us that He is right by our side and will never leave us. That is one heck of a promise and one I cling to when I'm in the throes of worry.
He also tells us to cast our worries and fears onto Him by praying and by thanking Him. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7). He wants us to cast our worries on Him. And when we do this, we can experience His most wonderful PEACE that goes beyond our earthly understanding. He wants us to give Him all of our requests because He is the ultimate provider and giver of all GOOD.
Try memorizing a few verses that you can repeat and pray back to God when you are hit with anxiety. Sticky note a few verses or quotes that speak to you on your desk at work, your dash in the car or your mirror at home. Meditate on these verses and let them sink into your heart and soul.
One of my favorite quotes from former president FDR has helped me over the years, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” During a particularly rough time in college, I put this on a sticky note in my bathroom to help me have the courage to leave my apartment and go to class each day. It worked!
Fear is a natural feeling that can help to keep us in check at appropriate times. But, when fear takes over our lives and cripples us that's when we let something other than God rule over our lives. There are many scriptures in the Bible about fear. Each one of them sends us some comfort and releases us from fear. So, I repeat again…the type of fear that cripples us is not from God. The next time you are gripped with fear, anxiety or worry, remember to cast your fears onto the one true and loving God. He always keeps His promises.
Pray. Keep focused on God. And give your worries to the One who is in control.
Be Blessed,