When the storms of life come, they seem to hit all at once. They can knock you hard right off your feet and down to your knees. And that’s when you look up to heaven--and where you find angelic hope and help.
“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent” (Psalm 91:11-13 NIV).
It was July of 2013. My step dad was in Hospice dying from prostate cancer that had entered his bones. He’d been fighting it for five years. He was tired, and so were we. My mom and I had spent each day caring for his needs, but we couldn’t lift him out of bed anymore, and he needed stronger medicine and more medical care than we could provide for him at home. So, we turned to Hospice to help him pass away more easily.
In the midst of my step father’s last days, I got a message from my primary care doctor saying that I needed to call her back right away because my results from my recent pap smear were not good. Dumfounded, I spoke to the nurse who said that I needed to see a surgeon right away as I had cancer cells on my cervix and surgery was a must as soon as possible. I was only 38 years old, and I couldn’t wrap my head around how this was happening and why it was happening, especially now during my stepdad’s last days. I was panicking. I had no one to care for me other than my mother who was by my step dad’s bed day and night. You see, I was a single mother of a seven-year-old daughter at the time. I was scared and feeling more alone than ever before in my life. I prayed to God that he would heal me and take care of me during my surgery. I was afraid that I wasn’t going to come out of surgery. Thankfully, my father was able to come down to Florida to be with me during my surgery and recovery.
On a scorching hot summer day, I nervously went into the surgery center. As I waited in the pre-op room, I noticed a tall, pretty woman in scrubs. She seemed particularly sad to me. I have always been an observant person (as a writer and a teacher) being observant of others really pays off. I didn’t know why she was sad, but I could tell that she was. Five minutes later, she introduced herself as my anesthesiologist. She was kind and thorough. I felt ready to get this surgery over with.
The next thing I remember was that I was waking up from surgery. I was crying. I didn’t have my glasses on so everything was blurry, and I was very disoriented. But the first thing I said was, “Where is the anesthesiologist?” She said, “I’m right here.” Through tears I said, “Jesus told me to tell you that he loves you.”
When I went under during my surgery, I had an experience that felt more real than any true experience or memory of my life. I met my guardian ANGEL. He was in the light with me while everything else was pitch black. I felt the most peace I have ever experienced in my life. I was bowing down before him on my knees, and he had his hands gently on my shoulders. He was very tall, and he was wearing a dark brown long robe with a white thick cord tied around his waist. He had stark white hair and a white beard. He said to me, “Jesus loves you.” And he also said, “Tell the anesthesiologist that Jesus loves her too.” There was complete silence other than those words and the feeling of ultimate peace and serenity that I’ve never felt before or since that day.
I never did find out why the anesthesiologist was so sad, but I knew that message of love was meant for me and for her that day. My guardian angel showed me that I wasn’t alone at all and that God was with me during that frightening and most difficult time in my life. I have been completely cancer free since that day.
My step dad died about a week later, and I was well enough to attend his funeral. That supernatural experience has never left me and was just as real as the experience of birthing my own daughter, Ainsleigh. I know without a doubt there is a heaven and that one day (hopefully when I’m very old) I’ll meet my guardian angel there again.
So, take heart and don’t fear if you are facing a health problem or something you just can’t handle alone. You don’t have to. There are angels everywhere.