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Focusing on the Real Gift at Christmas

I have a giant family. And giant families require A LOT of presents at Christmas. It's easy to get wrapped up in gift giving, literally. And this year I've found myself driving frantically around town from store to store looking for just the right gifts. I wore a dazed yet determined look, something resembling a reindeer in headlights. I was slipping into the glossed over WORLD of candy canes, Santa's sleigh, and a little bit of The Grinch.

Then it hit me. God's powerful verses came into my heart. "Don't be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:16-17 NIV).

I was being deceived by wordly things. I was wasting my time. God didn't want me focusing on gift giving. He wanted my attention on HIm and the true gifts He provides. My family members are His true gifts. My church family and the other friends in my life are His true gifts. God's love, mercies, forgiveness, blessings, and most of ALL His sacrifice of his only son on the cross for our sins are His perfect gifts to us.

Next year, I thought to myself, I'm not doing this. I'm cutting way back. l told my husband, "Next year I want things to be different. Let's take a trip as our family present and spend time together instead of giving gifts to one another." I want to take time to remember Christmas as a celebration of Jesus Christ's birth, not as a time of crazed material gift giving full of imaginary Santa Claus and talking snowmen.

I wish you Great JOY as you celebrate Christ's birthday over the next week. Don't be deceived like I was and remember the real reason for the season.

Many Blessings,
